April 10th, 2017 at 5:20 pm

Question: I am the listing agent in a sales transaction. The buyer was supposed to remove all contingencies within 5 days and close escrow within 10 days. None of that has happened. Is the seller required to serve a Notice to Buyer to Perform before serving a Demand to Close Escrow, or can they be served at the same time?

Answer: At the same time. Nothing in the Residential Purchase Agreement prohibits service of both notices at the same time. As for the Notice to Buyer to Perform (NBP), the seller cannot cancel based on the buyer’s failure to remove contingencies unless the seller first serves a 2-day NBP (see paragraph 14D(1)). The NBP cannot be served any sooner than 2 days before the expiration of the applicable timeframe (see paragraph 14E). Moreover, as for the Demand to Close Escrow (DCE), the seller cannot cancel based on the buyer’s failure to close escrow unless the seller first serves a 3-day DCE (see paragraph 14G). The DCE cannot be served any sooner than 3 days before the scheduled close of escrow (see paragraph 14G). In your situation, the time frames for the buyer to remove contingencies and close escrow have both expired, and so the seller can serve both the NBP and DCE. Serving both notices at the same time gives the buyer 2 days to remove all contingencies (otherwise the seller can cancel), and one more day thereafter to close escrow (otherwise the seller can cancel). Of course, if the final day for the buyer to perform falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the buyer has until the next business day to perform (paragraph 30F).

-Thank you to Daniel Banchik (Beverly Hills Office) for suggesting this week’s legal tip.

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