December 5th, 2017 at 11:00 am
Few urges are harder to resist than the desire to move into a home you’ve just bought and start making improvements right away. But should you put yourself through all the stress of launching immediate renovations, or is it better to settle in for a while and slowly figure out which modifications will work best in the long run? (more…)
November 6th, 2017 at 11:00 am
Most of us don’t think twice about security when using ATMs. Ditto when buying merchandise with credit or debit cards at stores and online. Maybe that’s why, when making one of the biggest financial decisions of a lifetime, not all homebuyers are aware of the possible financial dangers that could affect the transaction.
With so many consumers impacted by the recent Equifax breach, it’s a good time to consider just how secure all of your financial data really is–especially when buying or selling a home. (more…)
October 30th, 2017 at 11:00 am
The process of buying or selling a house can be complex and overwhelming, especially if you’re a first-timer or haven’t been involved in a transaction for many years. The real estate business is constantly evolving, with rules and regulations varying from state to state on a regular basis. Then there’s all that potentially confusing verbiage and outside influences such as home appraisers, loan officers, escrow officers, and home inspectors, to name a few. (more…)
October 12th, 2017 at 11:00 am
We’ve noticed an uptick in houses and condos for rent lately, and wondered not only who is offering these places for rent or lease, but also how and why our agents are obtaining these listings.
Of course, there are plenty of companies besides our full-service brokerage that list rentals online or in print. But situations sometimes occur in life when someone needs a place to rent in a hurry, and a property owner needs to fill a vacancy. Hence, the need to use a REALTOR®. (more…)